Get Started

Get Started Integrating User Health & Lifestyle Data

Learn how to get Sahha set up in your project and start building hyper-personalized health, lifestyle and fitness user experiences. This guide will get you started with Sahha.

1. Register your Team

Register and Add Your Team

Sign up to Sahha here and add your team under Users . This is great for cross functional teams and for testing the Sahha Demo App.

2. Find your API Keys

Find your API keys on the Credentials page .

  • Sandbox Client ID and Sandbox Secret will be used to retrieve your account token for administrative tasks via the Sahha API such as registering new profiles.
  • Visit the REST API documentation.

3. Choose your Data Source

Start testing Sahha quickly with the following three ways.

  1. Sahha demo app being the shortest time to see Sahha’s data flow,
  2. Sample test profiles to see the data pipeline running without needing the SDK and lastly,
  3. SDK integration with profile registration.

a) Sahha Demo App

Use the Sahha Demo app as a data source, the fastest way to test Sahha’s outputs. Follow this guide for app sync to the Sahha Dashboard.

  • Once synced to your Sahha Dashboard, you will be able to see your data logs in the dashboard under Profiles .
  • You can find the deep link to the Demo Apps on the Sahha Dashboard homepage.

b) Sample Profiles

Sample profiles are great way to start testing outputs without using the SDKs. A sample profile simulates data of a health young adult, providing you with sample data across Biomarkers and Health Scores.

  • Generate a sample profile by clicking on Profiles, then Sample Profiles
  • Under ‘ External Id ’ choose an ID or name of your choice.

c) SDK Integration

Embed the Sahha SDK in your project by following this guide .

  • Once installed, you can authenticate profiles with the SDK using the Sandbox Application ID and Secret Credentials page .

4. Choose your Data Delivery Method

Choose your preferred method to deliver data to your backend (using Webhooks or the API ) or directly to users via UI Widgets .

a) Webhooks

We recommend this as the preferred way of data delivery as webhooks provide real-time data delivery by automatically sending data from Sahha’s platform to your designated URL whenever there’s a relevant update. This enables seamless data sync without needing to poll the API.

  • Setup :
    1. Configure the webhook endpoint in your backend server.
    2. Register your endpoint URL on the Webhooks page on the Sahha Dashboard.
    3. Ensure your endpoint can handle POST requests to receive the data payloads Sahha sends when events occur.
  • Data Format : The webhook payload is in JSON format, documentation for the 4 event types can be found here:
    • Health Scores: scores which quantify each aspect of a user's health.
    • Digital Biomarker Logs : Meaningful metrics having undergone Sahha's data cleaning, deduplication, and analysis pipeline.
    • Real-time Data Logs: Detailed and unprocessed raw stream of data.
    • Third Party Connected: Delivered when an integration is completed with an external service e.g. Garmin.

For more details on webhook configuration, please refer to our Webhook Guide .


The REST API provides flexible and secure data access, allowing you to retrieve health scores, biomarkers, and other data on demand rather than in real time.

  • Authentication :
    • Obtain your Client ID and Client Secret from the Credentials page .
    • Use these credentials to request an account token, enabling access to the API.
  • Endpoints :
    • Retrieve health scores, biomarkers, and logs using endpoint URLs.
    • Common endpoints include:
      • /scores: Fetch scores for a given profile or cohort.
      • /biomarkers: Access biomarker details associated with a specific user.
      • /profiles: Manage and retrieve user profiles.
  • Error Handling : API responses include error codes and descriptions. Ensure your integration includes error handling to manage cases like authentication errors, rate limits, or invalid data requests.

For full API capabilities and data structure, refer to the REST API Documentation .

c) UI Widgets

Widgets are webviews that can be plugged in to your mobile app to minimize development time.

There are variety of UI widgets that can be used to display personalized scores and factors.

  • /chart widget: displays a Health Score across the past week
  • /arc widget: shows a singular Health Score with the score, state and an arc with progress out of 100.
  • /bar widget: shows Health score as a bar with the score, state and a bar showing progress out of 100
  • /factors widget: displays the Factors that contribute to the Health Score.
    • shows the value, score, state, description, and progress of each factor as a bar
    • ?date=2024-05-20 allows you to choose the date
    • ?percentage=true allows you to choose between displaying the raw value of the Factor or the score out of 100 of the Factor
    • ?goal=true enables the goal to be displayed under the factor value

Click here to integrate UI Widgets

Getting help

If you need integration or technical support, please reach out to our team at or join our Slack Community

Submit an issue

If you come across an issue, please use the issues section in GitHub for SDK issues, or contact us at

Join the community

Join our Slack Community and talk directly with our team for faster support, and work alongside others who are building technology with Sahha.