Data Flow


Follow these steps to integrate the Sahha SDK into your project

Step 1.) Setup Project

Learn how to setup your mobile project for compatibility with the Sahha SDK.

Go to Step 1 to Setup Project

Step 2.) Install SDK

Learn how to seamlessly integrate the Sahha SDK into your web or mobile project and start getting meaningful behavioral, physical and mental health insights for your customers.

Go to Step 2 to Install SDK

Step 3.) Configure Settings

Configure the Sahha SDK for correct use, choose environment settings, and handle notifications.

Go to Step 3 to Configure Settings

Step 4.) User Profiles

User Profiles are core to how Sahha works. Each User Profile is associated with a health analysis and corresponding sensor, and health data. This guide will teach you how to create, authenticate and manage user profiles.

Go to Step 4 to integrate User Profiles

Step 5.) Demographics

Each authenticated profile includes an optional demographic which can be used to increase the accuracy of any analysis. This data is not collected automatically. Your app can choose to GET or POST this demographic via the Sahha API.

Go to Step 5 to integrate Demographics

Step 6.) Sensors

Learn how to configure and manage device sensors and the data they collect.

Go to Step 6 to integrate Sensors

Step 7.) Samples

Sahha provides your app with realtime data samples directly from Apple Health and Google Health Connect.

Go to Step 7 to integrate Samples

Step 8.) Stats

Sahha provides your app with daily stats directly from Apple Health and Google Health Connect.

Go to Step 8 to integrate Stats

Step 9.) Biomarkers

Sahha analyzes user data such as sleep, steps and more to create daily biomarkers which you can display to your users.

Go to Step 9 to integrate Biomarkers

Step 10.) Scores

Sahha analyzes user data such as sleep, steps and more to create daily scores which you can display to your users.

Go to Step 10 to integrate Scores

Step 11.) User Permission

It's important to follow these guidelines when asking for user permission to access Apple Health and Google Health Connect data.

Go to Step 11 to complete User Permission

Step 12.) App Submission

It's important to follow these guidelines when submitting your app to the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.

Go to Step 12 to complete App Submission
