Data Flow
Each authenticated profile includes an optional demographic which can be used to increase the accuracy of any analysis. This data is not collected automatically. Your app can choose to GET
this demographic via the Sahha API.
All values are optional
String values are case insensitive (for example: 'us'
and 'US'
are equal and valid).
age : Int
Age must be a valid Int
between 1 - 99
gender : String
Gender must be a valid String
from this list:
'gender diverse'
country : String
Country must be a valid 2 character ISO String
from this list:
birthCountry : String
Birth Country must be a valid 2 character ISO String
from this list:
ethnicity : String
Any String
occupation : String
Any String
industry : String
Any String
incomeRange : String
Any String
education : String
Any String
relationship : String
Any String
locale : String
Any String
livingArrangement : String
Any String
birthDate : String
Birth Date must be a String
in the format 'YYYY-MM-DD'
. For example, '1990-05-20'
Using the API for Demographics
You can GET
demographic info via the API using this model.
// All values are optional
class SahhaDemographic { public var age: Int? public var gender: String? // "male", "female", "gender diverse" public var country: String? // ISO 2 character code, i.e. "us", "uk", "au", etc. public var birthCountry: String? // ISO 2 character code, i.e. "us", "uk", "au", etc. public var ethnicity: String? // any string public var occupation: String? // any string public var industry: String? // any string public var incomeRange: String? // any string public var education: String? // any string public var relationship: String? // any string public var locale: String? // any string public var livingArrangement: String? // any string public var birthDate: String? // must be in format "YYYY-MM-DD", i.e. "1990-05-20"}
An example POST
of demographic info via the SDK.
var demographic = SahhaDemographic( age: 32, gender: "Female", country: "NZ", birthCountry: "UK", birthDate: "1990-05-20")
Sahha.postDemographic(demographic) { error, success -> if (error != null) { println(error) } else { println(success.toString()) }}
An example GET
of demographic info via the SDK.
Sahha.getDemographic() { error, demographic -> if (error != null) { println(error) } else if (demographic != null) { println(demographic) }}