
Sahha Data & UI

How to think about user interfaces

A designer should approach the user interface (UI) for Sahha's data with a focus on clarity, empathy, and user-centric design. Here's how a designer should think about UI when it comes to the data Sahha provides:

We have a free Figma UI component library available here that showcases examples of how Sahha data and other visual information can be utilized within UI. Please feel free to duplicate the Figma file.

Clarity and Readability:

Ensure that well-being insights, scores, and recommendations are presented in a clear and easily readable format. Use legible fonts, appropriate font sizes, and well-structured layouts to make the data easily digestible.

  • We recommend fonts such as IBM Plex Sans which is available for download here

  • Focusing on simplicity when it comes to layout of UI elements that use Sahha data. If you're displaying model data to users, make sure you represent them in a way in which the user can easily interpret and true to the correct use of the models view best practices guide here . For example using terminology such as depression score instead of depression level .

Sahha App

Visual Representation:

Utilize charts, graphs, and infographics to visually represent well-being data. Visual elements can help users quickly grasp complex data and trends.

Sahha Chart Sahha Chart Sahha App

Empathetic Design:

Design the UI with empathy, understanding that well-being data may be sensitive. Use soothing color palettes and design elements that promote a sense of calm and support.

Sahha Chart

Personalization and Customization:

Allow users to customize the way they view their well-being data. Provide options for users to set well-being goals, choose which insights to display, and tailor the UI to their preferences.

Real-time Data Presentation:

For real-time insights, consider dynamic elements that update as the user's well-being metrics change. Use animations or live data updates to keep users engaged.

Contextual Information:

Offer context along with the data. Explain what well-being scores mean, provide well-being recommendations, and offer resources for further information and support. Our best practices guide here can help you better interpret Sahha models.

Responsive Design:

Ensure that the UI is responsive across different devices and screen sizes. Users should have a consistent experience, whether they access the data on a desktop, tablet, or mobile device.

User Education:

Include tooltips, onboarding screens, or in-app guides to educate users on how to interpret and use their well-being data effectively. Help users understand the value of the insights provided.

Data Visualization Best Practices:

Familiarize yourself with best practices for data visualization to ensure that the data is presented in a way that is both informative and aesthetically pleasing.

  • Often simple is better, interpreting data can be difficult. So the more simple the presentation of that data when it comes to visualisation the better.
  • Stick to common practices such as line charts, or donut graphs.

Sahha App

Feedback Mechanisms:

Incorporate user feedback mechanisms within the UI. Users should be able to provide input on the data presentation and the overall UI, enabling iterative improvements.

User-Friendly Interactions:

Create user-friendly interactions for exploring and interacting with well-being data. Users should find it easy to navigate and access insights, whether through touch or mouse inputs.

Sahha Chart

Dark Mode and Accessibility:

Implement dark mode for users who prefer it, and ensure that the UI is accessible to individuals with disabilities. This includes providing alternative text for images and adhering to WCAG guidelines.

Well-Being Journaling:

Consider incorporating features for users to journal or annotate their well-being data, enabling them to track their feelings and experiences alongside the provided insights. By thinking about the UI in this way, designers can create an interface that not only presents Sahha's well-being data effectively but also supports users in their well-being journey, fostering a more empathetic and user-centered experience.

Sahha Chart