
Readiness Score


The Readiness Score indicates an individual's preparedness to face daily challenges. It evaluates how well-rested and prepared an individual might be for physical and mental activities. This score can help users understand their optimal performance levels, enabling them to make informed decisions for a productive day ahead.

At-a-Glance: Readiness Score

Aspect Details
Score type readiness
score range 0.0 - 1.0
Possible states minimal, low, medium, high
Contributing factors sleep_duration, physical_recovery, mental_recovery, sleep_debt, walking_strain_capacity, exercise_strain_capacity, resting_heart_rate, heart_rate_variability
Supported dataSources activity, exercise, sleep, vitals
Latest version 1.0
Status BETA

Example JSON Response

"id": "a1b2c3d4-e5f6-1234-efgh-ij1234567890",
"profileId": "p1q2r3s4-t5u6-7890-vwxy-z1234567890",
"accountId": "x1y2z3a4-b5c6-7890-dfgh-i1234567890",
"externalId": "e1f2g3h4",
"type": "readiness",
"score": 0.70,
"state": "medium",
"factors": [
{ "name": "sleep_duration", "value": 412, "goal": 480, "unit": "minute", "score": 0.80, "state": "medium" },
{ "name": "physical_recovery", "value": 62, "goal": 90, "unit": "minute", "score": 0.72, "state": "medium" },
{ "name": "mental_recovery", "value": 93, "goal": 120, "unit": "minute", "score": 0.78, "state": "medium" },
{ "name": "sleep_debt", "value": 2.75, "goal": 0, "unit": "hour", "score": 0.80, "state": "medium" },
{ "name": "walking_strain_capacity", "value": 0.68, "goal": 1, "unit": "index", "score": 0.68, "state": "medium" },
{ "name": "exercise_strain_capacity", "value": 0.57, "goal": 1, "unit": "index", "score": 0.57, "state": "low" },
{ "name": "resting_heart_rate", "value": 60, "goal": 58, "unit": "bpm", "score": 0.95, "state": "high" },
{ "name": "heart_rate_variability", "value": 50, "goal": 55, "unit": "ms", "score": 0.80, "state": "medium" }
"dataSources": ["activity", "exercise", "sleep", "vitals"],
"scoreDateTime": "2023-11-11T00:00:00+02:00",
"createdAt": "2023-11-11T11:05:41.644Z",
"version": 1.0

For a breakdown of each field in the JSON response, please refer to the output schema on the health scores homepage.

Understanding the Readiness Score

Readiness measures the body's preparedness to tackle today's challenges based on recovery from physical strain. It is calculated using data from sleep, activity, exercise, and vital signs.

Important Note

For a detailed explanation of the how the readiness score works and recommendations to improve it, please refer to readiness score explained .

Interpreting the Score

The higher the Readiness Score, the more prepared an individual is for demanding physical and mental activities.

  • 0.81 - 1.00 (High) : Well-recovered and ready for high-intensity activities.
  • 0.61 - 0.80 (Medium) : Moderately recovered; suitable for moderate activities.
  • 0.41 - 0.60 (Low) : Limited recovery; prioritize lighter activities.
  • 0.00 - 0.40 (Minimal) : Minimal recovery; focus on rest and recuperation.

Factors in Readiness Score

The Readiness Score is calculated using several factors, each representing different aspects of recovery and strain:

Factor Description Data Sources Requires Wearable
Sleep Duration The total time spent sleeping, an integral part of recovery. Sleep No
Physical Recovery (Deep Sleep) The amount of deep sleep, crucial for muscle repair and physical restoration. Sleep Yes
Mental Recovery (REM Sleep) The amount of REM sleep, supporting cognitive functions and emotional regulation. Sleep Yes
Sleep Debt The accumulated shortfall between needed and actual sleep, affecting energy levels and recovery. Sleep No
Walking Strain Capacity An estimate of how well the body handles low-intensity activities based on recent patterns. Activity, Exercise No
Exercise Strain Capacity An evaluation of how well the body copes with higher-intensity activities, such as workouts. Activity, Exercise No
Resting Heart Rate (RHR) Lower RHR generally indicates better recovery. Vitals Yes
Heart Rate Variability (HRV) A higher HRV typically suggests better stress resilience. Vitals Yes

Data Requirements

The Readiness Score calculation relies on several types of data. Below are the detailed requirements:

Full Data Types Needed:

  • Sleep Data: Sleep duration, REM sleep stages, Deep sleep stages
  • Activity Data: Step events, Exercise events
  • Vitals Data: Resting Heart Rate (RHR), Heart Rate Variability (HRV)

Minimum Data Required:

A minimum of four contributing factors are required to compute a reliable Readiness Score. The minimum essential data includes:

  • Sleep Data: Sleep duration
  • Activity Data: Step events

Permissions Needed:

Platform Permissions
Apple HealthKit (HK) stepCount, HKWorkout, sleepAnalysis, restingHeartRate, heartRateVariabilitySDNN
Google Health Connect (HC) steps, ExerciseSession, SleepSession, RestingHeartRate, HeartRateVariabilityRmssd

Handling Missing Data:

  • If certain data points (e.g., no sleep data recorded for the day) are missing, the related factors will be returned as null.
  • The Readiness Score is designed to adjust for missing data when possible. However, if there aren’t enough factors to compute a reliable score (less than four factors available), the score itself will be returned as null.

Integrating the Readiness Score

To start receiving the Readiness Score setup webhooks (recommended) or use the API. You can also display the score in your application, using the UI widgets.


  1. In the dashboard navigate to Webhooks > 'Create new Webhook' > Health Scores > tick the 'Readiness score' box > paste in your destination URL.
  2. Once a readiness score is generated, the Webhook will automatically forward the event to your data store.


Retrieve readiness scores for a profile within a specific time window:

  • Endpoint : GET /api/v1/profile/score
  • Authorization : Bearer token
  • Parameters :
    • types: list of types (e.g., readiness)
    • startDateTime: Start date-time (ISO format)
    • endDateTime: End date-time (ISO format)
    • version: version of the score algorithm (default: 1)
  • Responses :
    • 200 : Returns readiness scores with details like id, type, state, score, factors, dataSources, scoreDateTime.
    • 400 : Invalid profile ID.
    • 401 : Invalid token.
  • Example Request :
    curl -X GET "" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"

For further details, refer to the API reference .

UI Widgets

You can also make use of UI Widgets to display the readiness score.

  1. Configure your app to utilise the widgets using the UI Widgets Guide
  2. Once configured simply paste the URL for the widget of your choice which can be any of: -

    /arc − which displays the score as an arc

    /factors − which displays a list of the factors

    /chart − displays the scores over time

Best Practices

Follow these best practices to ensure accurate interpretation and effective use of the Readiness Score:

  1. Data Variability : Results may vary based on the accuracy of data collected from different devices. For best results, the use of wearables is recommended.
  2. Personalized Baselines : The score adapts to each individual's unique lifestyle and habits, making it context-specific. Consider this personalization when presenting recommendations to users to ensure relevance and effectiveness.
  3. Interpretation : It's recommended to use the score in conjunction with how the user feels overall and other health indicators.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: Can I use the Readiness Score without a wearable device?

A: Yes, the score can still be calculated using data from a smartphone, but it will be less detailed, some the factors will be missing. For more comprehensive measure, a wearable device is recommended. Learn more